13 October 2013
23 September 2013
26 June 2013
23 June 2013
8 May 2013
forward from Shahrim Tamrin;Written by Rosheen Fatima
SO, BN is still in power....
I'm going to say something that most people are not going to like hearing, and I'm saying this because of the huge amount of black on my facebook wall.
Did you, any of you, really think that PR would sweep the elections? Put aside the dirty campaigning, and election tactics, did you really think PR would win?
From what i've seen over social media over the last few months, I thought that PR would win more seats. I believed that there would be a bigger change, I believed that the people would put into action what they were so vocal (online) about. But then I stopped myself and looked at the people in my social circles, the people I interact with online. We are a tiny, tiny middle class online savvy minority. It is because your social circle expected a certain outcome that you did too. But we do not represent the majority, and we don't even interact with them. Do you really expect to predict how they will vote? My father is Sarawakian, and I lived there for many years of my life. I lived in Kuching, but I know that in the interior and rural areas there are so many Malaysians who are not like you, who are not like me. Did I expect them to vote for PR, no. Did I expect them to vote for BN, yes. Why? Because that is all they see, that is what they know, the bribe money that they get means so much to them because they have close to nothing. And it's sad to say that that is the majority that we do not know.
So instead of turning your profile pictures black, if you really believe in change and the party you support, start planning now. Start the campaign to win the hearts of the people outside the urban areas, the people in the heartland. We know what's going on, they don't. Go talk to them.
And Malaysians, get to know the other Malaysia. Don't criticise them for voting the way they feel is right. Speak to them, get to know them, understand their plight, their needs, their wants. Then campaign to them, the urbanites are practically campaigning for you already.
And don't wait until a few months before the elections to campaign. Start now. Start fighting for measures to be put in place for a better electoral system now. Start making those in power more accountable for their actions. Start making your candidates accountable for the promises they made. Stop allowing mudslinging and racism and sexism to flourish in our government. You won't stand for it, make your candidate not stand for it. Make them fight for a proper democracy over the next 5 years. Then we can see a change. It doesn't happen overnight. it doesn't come with one day every five years. And it definitely won't come if you give up.
And make the change in you.
You want our politicians to stop being racist and sexist, then stop doing it yourself.
You want our government to stop being corrupt, then stop corruption in your own life.
You want cleanliness and transparency in our country, live clean, live transparent.
You are one of the atoms that make up Malaysia, don't ask for the changes that you don't live by.
Don't be a hypocrite and ask the people in power to be any different from you.
Take the small victories. No one ever said that the journey would be short or easy.
Did anyone ever think that PR would make inroads into the birthplace of UMNO, Johor? I didn't, but they did.
Did anyone expect 80% of registered voters to turn out to vote? I didn't, but they did.
In 2003, BN won 198 seats.
In 2008, BN won 140 seats.
In 2013, BN won (as of time of posting) 132 seats (with 6 seats uncalled).
So whatever it is, it is still a small victory for PR.
And now the question is what will the numbers be in 2018?
Gandhi took 32 years to fight for independence.
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years in the fight to end apartheid.
And we've been trying for what 10 years?
Come on Malaysia, grow up.
Yes, you're sad, but a fight is a fight, it goes on.
Democracy doesn't happen overnight, democracy is a journey.
Just because there are hurdles and obstacles in your way doesn't mean you give up.
You train for the next race.
And maybe that one you'll win.
I'm going to say something that most people are not going to like hearing, and I'm saying this because of the huge amount of black on my facebook wall.
Did you, any of you, really think that PR would sweep the elections? Put aside the dirty campaigning, and election tactics, did you really think PR would win?
From what i've seen over social media over the last few months, I thought that PR would win more seats. I believed that there would be a bigger change, I believed that the people would put into action what they were so vocal (online) about. But then I stopped myself and looked at the people in my social circles, the people I interact with online. We are a tiny, tiny middle class online savvy minority. It is because your social circle expected a certain outcome that you did too. But we do not represent the majority, and we don't even interact with them. Do you really expect to predict how they will vote? My father is Sarawakian, and I lived there for many years of my life. I lived in Kuching, but I know that in the interior and rural areas there are so many Malaysians who are not like you, who are not like me. Did I expect them to vote for PR, no. Did I expect them to vote for BN, yes. Why? Because that is all they see, that is what they know, the bribe money that they get means so much to them because they have close to nothing. And it's sad to say that that is the majority that we do not know.
So instead of turning your profile pictures black, if you really believe in change and the party you support, start planning now. Start the campaign to win the hearts of the people outside the urban areas, the people in the heartland. We know what's going on, they don't. Go talk to them.
And Malaysians, get to know the other Malaysia. Don't criticise them for voting the way they feel is right. Speak to them, get to know them, understand their plight, their needs, their wants. Then campaign to them, the urbanites are practically campaigning for you already.
And don't wait until a few months before the elections to campaign. Start now. Start fighting for measures to be put in place for a better electoral system now. Start making those in power more accountable for their actions. Start making your candidates accountable for the promises they made. Stop allowing mudslinging and racism and sexism to flourish in our government. You won't stand for it, make your candidate not stand for it. Make them fight for a proper democracy over the next 5 years. Then we can see a change. It doesn't happen overnight. it doesn't come with one day every five years. And it definitely won't come if you give up.
And make the change in you.
You want our politicians to stop being racist and sexist, then stop doing it yourself.
You want our government to stop being corrupt, then stop corruption in your own life.
You want cleanliness and transparency in our country, live clean, live transparent.
You are one of the atoms that make up Malaysia, don't ask for the changes that you don't live by.
Don't be a hypocrite and ask the people in power to be any different from you.
Take the small victories. No one ever said that the journey would be short or easy.
Did anyone ever think that PR would make inroads into the birthplace of UMNO, Johor? I didn't, but they did.
Did anyone expect 80% of registered voters to turn out to vote? I didn't, but they did.
In 2003, BN won 198 seats.
In 2008, BN won 140 seats.
In 2013, BN won (as of time of posting) 132 seats (with 6 seats uncalled).
So whatever it is, it is still a small victory for PR.
And now the question is what will the numbers be in 2018?
Gandhi took 32 years to fight for independence.
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years in the fight to end apartheid.
And we've been trying for what 10 years?
Come on Malaysia, grow up.
Yes, you're sad, but a fight is a fight, it goes on.
Democracy doesn't happen overnight, democracy is a journey.
Just because there are hurdles and obstacles in your way doesn't mean you give up.
You train for the next race.
And maybe that one you'll win.
"Lose the battle, win the war"
'Art of War' - Sun-Tzu
(Written by Rosheen Fatima)
'Art of War' - Sun-Tzu
(Written by Rosheen Fatima)
我們都在等一個強有力的人告訴我們:下一步要怎麼做?這個強有力 的人,應該是我們自己。
今早睡得沉沉地,醒來好似全身細胞死去一半。帶著一半的夢遊,來 到馬六甲巴士總站,看到人來人往,生活依舊,平靜得波紋不起,前 一天所謂馬來西亞史上最激烈的朝野對峙,像一場異域的夢。
如果全國人民真的對選舉幽靈投票、停電事件憤怒得不能自己,我眼 前所看到的,是真實的民意寫照嗎?
回到熟悉魔鬼的懷中,馬來西亞是平靜的。這事到底差在哪裡?誰都 說不上來。行動黨開紅盤的勝利慶祝,與整個大環境的失落搭不到一 起,應該慶祝與否?誰也說不上來。
有人忙著找奧巴瑪、陳文茜申冤,有人動員週三集會、有人反對週三 集會。就連淨選聯盟號召蒐集罪證召開人民法庭的行動,也變得蒼白 無力:大家的心中,有一點比水晶還要透徹,我們得陪國陣再捱個五 年,這是擺在眼前的事實。
聶老黯然地退下,帶著深鎖的眉頭揮揮白袍地走了。而在朝在野的大 大小小都忙著權力更迭,全民Ubah大隊,已經沒有一聲令下的總 指揮了。
週三集會看來不會有太大的驚喜,在聽過一場精彩的演說之後,我們 各自塞著車回去,也許順道到麥當勞、嘛嘛檔吃個宵夜,空有激情, 卻又做不了事。氣勢的高潮已過,大家都疲倦得只想睡覺。
整整五年!這五年,是時候讓公民運動崛起,取代政治人物的神話了 。
第一,從今天開始,可以把「投黨不投人」的說法像用過的衛生紙丟 到抽水馬桶裡去了。把免死金牌收回,用皮鞭對著政黨狠狠地抽。抽 不是踐踏,而是希望你進步!
我們對安華抱很大的希望,他的計謀、手腕,從巫統裡浸泡出來,大 家都相信他最有能力辦法,可以擺平許多人辦不到的事。但是,他領 導的公正黨,距離我們的想像,還差一些,從兩年前亂糟糟的黨選, 到4月20日提名日的令人嘩然,你要嘛說他沒有辦法,要嘛是決心 不夠。
尤其是公正黨和社會黨摃上,今天遇到一位論政的朋友尖銳批評:一 群由巫統、馬華末落貴族組成的烏合之眾,自負窄量得連社會黨都容 不下。站在改朝換代的立場上,許多時評人對民聯舉凡種種一律包容 ,所以如今才無力得如洩氣皮球,覺得做人真難。
公正黨有很多亮點人物:旺姐、努魯、拉菲茲、李文材、蔡添強…… 也許,安華目前得認真考慮他在黨內的身前身後事。至於,誰是替代 首相人選?那才是想破頭的事了。
砂州是定存州的課題吵了好久了,行動黨盤踞城市地區,公正黨在出 戰的內陸地區,使得著力嗎?住在美里的朋友說,內陸地區很不簡單 ,有時要等船,要等水漲,一等就是一個下午。公正黨札根的工作, 艱難、可貴,但不能不做。
吉打州讓回教黨上演滑鐵盧,回教黨對原任州務大臣的問題態度一直 瞹眛不清,這一點僥倖之心,讓它斷送江山,算是受到教訓了。開明 派大將末沙布遭池魚之殃,胡桑在布城被祭旗,聶老求去,回教黨未 來會走上更保守或更開明的路線,牽動三黨未來的合作。
民聯雖然在全國各地遍地開花,但如果沒有好好進行紮根的工作,總 是妄想選前靠天兵天將、投黨不投人、個人領袖魅力、萬人造勢活動 ,一場選舉過後,贏的、輸的全都拍拍屁股不見蹤影,搞不好下屆大 選打回原形,吞下去的全吐回來。
提名日,公正黨和回教黨兄弟鬩牆讓人看傻了眼,行動黨又是天兵天 將。喂,大選的消息從去年年初就開始傳了,到現在你們連這些事都 搞不掂?那這一年多以來是誰在經營相關的選區?
沙巴州更不用說了,公正黨派阿茲敏去談得一塌胡塗,還甩甩肩回來 了,沒有人問責,選前大拍胸口:沒問題。問題來了,可以追究一下 嗎?
選戰開跑,三黨沒有設立宣傳總部,委任統一發言人一一針對突發課 題給予反駁或澄清。一會是安華在古晉回應,一會是林吉祥在檳州回 應,打散炮一樣讓人看得眼花瞭亂,是很失序及缺乏規劃的。一些課 題被挑起了,具體行動要如何配合,沒有交待,草草了事。有很多動 員及消息,還是靠臉書上的專頁發動的。
全民當PACABA,後來才發現是民眾比政黨積極,自動找上門。 公正黨和回教黨對此的重視,又不如行動黨,所以一些地區沒有監票 員。為什麼不是三黨的步伐一致總動員呢?哪裡缺人就由政黨統一發 佈消息號召,或是在相關地區緊急找人?而這些消息,泰半是由臉書 友自發性轉帖,再說一句:看得人眼花瞭亂。
捉外勞投票的事也是如此,總元帥不停揭露、控訴,統一的應對策略 是什麼?一會兒已經閃去群眾大會沒有下文了。
開票當晚,民聯成績先勝後衰,安華直愣愣沒有應對策略。就算是贏 了,也可能沒有接領政權的策略及步驟,搞個七手八腳。很多事情好 像是在等著發生,發生了再來想。
我在20日的提名日就說了:這個入主布城的決心和信心,我感受不 到,所以當天去剃了個光頭抗議。
所以,你說接著下來安華會怎麼樣指揮抗議、上訴、重選(?),我 真心看是虛熱鬧一場了。抱歉,我不信這事,就如同我由始至終不信 賽夫的父親。等過幾天內閣名單、州行政議會名單出爐,大家口水戰 吵一陣;國會和州議會開始了,又有新的課題,一切都拋之腦後。
如果沒有全盤必勝的策略,我建議暫時別耗民心民力了,省下來做內 部反省及檢討吧,那也是我們需要的進步!
第四、父老鄉親們,等著我們的五年,消費稅、汽油漲、路費漲、電 費漲、車價漲,承認統考、增建華小是不用想了,治安敗壞依然,貪 污濫權依舊。
對於走一步、看一步的政黨,我真的沒有心思去猜想他們會如何去規 劃五年後的勝算。
他們該有他們的努力,我們也該有我們的努力,不是在臉書上掛黑照 、耗精神對幽靈、停電冷嘲熱諷。
當政治強人的光環被缷下時,我們唯有靠自己,一直到重新凝聚一起 ,再現改朝換代的那一天!
24 April 2013
在2,30 年前,第8波道是我们生活在新马一带人的首选
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